Friday 6 May 2011

"29 days late"

If I was born 29 days earlier  I would be going Bournemouth in September :(
gutted got to stay in corbz for another year !!!!

tough times

p.s I am ill this is my input of the day.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

"Alcohol & Librarians"

Been busy. Mini Recap : 

Thursday 28th April 
Skinny Pigeons: rare thing to see now.
Had a GHD for once, was a shocker to the system! Went into school and was a bit annoyed at the pigeons eating the ducklings food and swimming in their pond. The ducklings may be getting uglier but they still need food, the pigeons are so selfish, they are getting way too fat now anyway! The ones near my house are so fat my dad keeps complaining they are breaking the fence. The last thing they need to be doing is nicking the ducks sweetcorn.  School dragged and we got told our deadlines and exams were coming up which would scare most people but I got my summer holidays coming up soon so it's no biggie. After school went to the Spread where the"Pimp & the Bimbos" quiz team were founded. Previous quiz nights we have come last or second last but this time we were in the better half, coming out 7th out of a possible 14. It was a victory so we went into the bar next door, played some pool, darts and drank in celebration. Since we had no school we never went easy on the drinks and my purse seemed considerably lighter at the end of the night! Apple sours & Lemonade £2.20, Game of pool 50p, 3 songs on jukebox £1, coming 7th in the quiz PRICELESS :) 

 Friday 29th April 
Woke up early to say bye to Tom. Got a bacon sarnie and own age of Pippa for 10 days which was a bonus. My gran came round to watch the Royal Wedding on "the big screen" which was alright because it was the only thing on television so we had nothing better to watch. My gran got her hair done for the event so was a little late but as soon as Harry and William came out in the car my gran started crying at the "Britishness" of the day. Britishness to me would have been people standing in a que, with rain pouring down on them whilst they eat fish and chips and sip on tea. That happens everyday somewhere in Britain! We laughed at Beatrices hat, she looked like an antelope on crack. It reminded me of the headgear the actors wore in the Lion King Musical, she would have blended in nicely. That was a good show, good day ! Went for a picnic with the girls, I made some pasta and they seemed to like it which made me feel slightly like Gordon Ramsey. I don't have a temper like him though! Working in a kitchen is a stressful place but I never feel the need to curse and blind every time someone puts peas instead of beans, we're only human its a simple mistake to make! I read the other day these mishaps are called "micro-naps" our brain sleeps miniature amounts in the day which is why we do silly stuff. The body is weird!! After the picnic went home and had a sleep then went to cafe, was a cheaper night as I was driving I just drank lime and water which was nice, but lime makes me thirsy so I had to have quite a lot of drinks.

Saturday 30th April 

Worked hard all day. Instead of my usual Italian panini for lunch I went healthy because I am getting spots, so I had a chicken supreme jacket instead. It was sooo yummy and kept me full up for much longer than anticipated. After got paid, cleaned up and rushed home to get ready for the "Reem party". I dunno what reem means I think it is a compliment but I don't want to use it incase it insults someone so I just nod along, it's easier. Went to chanices and got ready with hannah, broggy and Froggy. Once again had some alcohol and then me and froggy tried to do the "dirty dancing" lift. I ain't the smallest so I casually jumped shittly so he couldn't lift me, then he threw me in a bush and laddered my tights, was pretty funny! Got in CJs taxi and skanked to Corby en route to the party, then skanked on the stage, then skanked on the dancefloor and finally left the underage party and went home for a much needed sleep. I decided that coke and pineapple sours is actually nicer than one would think. Once i tried to grow a pineapple, sadly it died and my mum chucked it out but drinking my coke and pineapple brought back fond memories !

Sunday 1st May

May is so much shorter to write than any other month, makes it easier when writing the date at school ! Went to East Carlton with Dom, we ate some candy floss which melts in your mouth without chewing, i miss candy floss it used to be sold a lot more when i was kid. Dom and me went to the "big tree" and decided that when it used be bigger. I used to have to watch Tom climb it and then my grandad would help me up, but i got up it the other day with no problems. It's kind of like i ruined a childhood memory because it's not as amazing as i once thought it was. Like Foxton locks is the same, it used to be funner when I was a child. This is when I wish I was Peter Pan! After our walk went to Jordans house with Michael and Dom and seen his and Baz "Will and Kate" masks, they were going to a party, we got invited but I was going to a Karaoke so I never bothered :) Imagine if you were so famous other people went as YOU to a fancy dress party, that's when you know you have made it!  Dropped the boys off and then went to Spread again. We had some Pimms and Lemonade then headed to the pub where we amazed the crowds with our rendition of "Proud Mary ". It's a fav of mine and Ems and we got told off for singing too loud, everybody loved it though and realised that drink definitely gives you confidence! Spend pretty much all my wages I got paid for Saturday but it was once again a Priceless night so i never minded !!

Monday 2nd May

Slept in til about eleven but woke up feeling fineeeee, even though my body has consumed major amounts of alcohol it has handled it well, i am proud. People always worry about their liver but my liver seems to be pretty amazing, it withstands no end of crap i put in it! Makes me happy when i'm no hungover :) !
Laid about most the day but then as a family we decided to go to Foxton Locks, mum was annoyed that the one thing she wanted wasn't on the menu but apart from that it was good. Weird without Tom but good. Bet he is having a wicked time away. Hopefully he comes back brown skinned and blonder, that always makes the holiday seem more amazing when explaining stories to people about the holiday because the weather was obvs nice. If someone told you about the rain in Devon for a holiday people would lose interest but if it was a sunny and they went for a boat trip it would be nicer to listen to. Sun makes people happy. It also makes me sneeze when i look at it for too long but as long as it keeps me warm one sneeze don't mind me.

Tuesday 3rd May

Little Gibs
Today was a good day, seen Abbys car in the carpark for first time ever since she passed. Like being joined by another girl, boys seem to dominate which is annoying because girls are nicer with their cars. We don't go around honking at underaged girls and blasting music thinking we are ace. Boys that beep at me used to annoy me because they were obviously beeping at someone who is not old enough to drive since i was walking, therefore they are being absolute paedophiles! Went to Media , Dan and me looked at the film Rio(about birds) online I have decided i want to go see it, there are no pigeons in it which is a bonus. Next went to ICT and read an email that Giblet is gunna be a librarian. She got the job, was so exciting, we both screamed and started clapping to ourselves at the back. She will be a wicked librarian. We agreed that if she catches anyone on Facebook/youtube she needs to ask for their proxy so that we can get on that badboy, will give us something to do instead of work in ICT.  Went to sport got told we are doing fitness training soon which scares me because i am pretty unfit, i aim to run but unless it is sunny i have no incentive so that was a a bummer to hear. Sport seems to be controlling my life at the minute, it used to be my fave but now it is the worst thing since marmite!! 

I have been doing homework all night and now this blog has taken ages so i am off for a relaxing bath and to watch ricky gervais show, holla xxxx