Wednesday 27 April 2011

"Pens and Pigs"

Late start. Woke up 5 minutes before leaving the house, girls can get ready quick when up against the time. Did the usual run to pick up my second fam and get the best car parking space going. Strolled into school to be greeted by ducklings. Sadly they've grown up now and I can't say they are so cute, wish we could trade them for cuter ones again. Did a few laps to burn off extra calories, I ate and drank so much this weekend that my wii fit don't recognise me :( bad times...

Had a free first, me and vicky looked at clothes online, found a new site ordered a playsuit and some heels, every girl needs treated every once in a while! They should do nicely for my holiday with Hollie. After that had English and did nothing except sit and talk, three day week is so pointless. 

Bit like little Peppa my mascot
Went to a University open day today in Northampton, got so many prospectuses for Unis, which i papercut myself several times on. They gave out lots of free pens too, which always come in handy if I ever decide to actually do some work at school. we also got told about money and finance as a student, I didn't care about the student loans but everyone got a free squidgy pig which I will put in my car. All the girls got one, they are car mascots, mines called Pepper. We sat in the sun and the girls looked out for potential lads, personally I didn't rate many of them, the village boys were much nicer. 

Came home and got my bank account through the post, lets just say if the world had as much spiders as my account has money, the world would be a much happier place! Might wait until it at least gets into double figures before I go on asos again!

On a happier note went for a run, in the sun, in the fields, with some sheep. They are still getting more and more lambs, which is making it harder and harder to dodge sheep poo. In a way i feel guilty since I had lamb for easter sunday roast, it was nice though and it weren't related to any of the sheep in my field because it was from Wales. However I sensed they knew, they ran away "baaa"ing a lot and the adults were eyeing me up! Normally I go round the fields twice, but I didn't feel safe going round again so went home instead.

Gunna make a new Summer CD for my car and then go bed, chow xxxxx

Tuesday 26 April 2011

"Are turtles incest?"

First day back to school after long weekend. Not gunna lie, I have never been so tired in my life. Not even an exaggeration! Drove to school and attempted to park the car in a reasonable manner. How can someone so bad at manouvers pass a test?  My mum keeps saying practice makes perfect, lets hope her wise words come true sooner rather than later!

Quite happy to discover just had to watch "Hot Fuzz" in media, hardly a strenuous lesson yet I still nearly fell asleep. Next I had ICT with my little gingerbread Gibby, we chatted about this next weekend and our Just Dance Tournement. Time flew by and before I knew it we had once again spent a whole lesson talking instead of working. Regretting that next lesson!

Lunch come round quite quick with the girls. We always talk about weird things together but today the subject of are turtles incest came up. To be honest there is nothing saying they aren't which makes me think that they could well be. Animals in the sea are weird. Seahorse dads carry the babies and give birth. I reckon its the lack of oxygen sending sea creatures insane, when people on land run out of oxygen they go light headed and feel funny. Sea animals must be constantly be living with this feeling which explains their insaness. Turtles are never judged on their sexuality though, which is good :) Some gay guys get a lot of stick! They should have been fish :\

After school went home and made some pasta. It's probably my favourite food because it cooks really quickly! 3 MINUTES is all. Uncle Bens is quicker but my mum says its not a proper meal so I am willing to wait the extra minute. After dinner drove to Doms. Parked on a curb for the first time ever, little bit scary. We watched the Last Song, i read the book and cried but the film is so much sadder. Made me wish I could play piano good though. Finally we watched this chinese guy play guitar on youtube. He plays "living on a prayer" by Bon Jovi the best ever.


Bye xxxxxxxxx

Monday 25 April 2011

"Heres to the Midlands George"

Bottle Kicking- Hallaton
Sounds like a boring day out watching people kick bottles in a field. I couldn't have been more wrong...

Stayed at Emilys, after a casual barbeque with the girls the night before. We stayed up late and had planned our route to the village where this "ritual" takes place. Woke up to the sun, good start. Had a bacon sarnie and fed the crusts to the dog, ambie bambi loves me! Emma came and we left the village of East Carlton at approx half eleven and headed off to Hallton. After 5 minutes walk Emma got blisters, I had a million stones in my shoes and Emily was updating us on her hayfever, as a trio we decided we were not cut out for walking any further than Ashley so bribed our mates boyfriend to give us a lift. After hour walk, hot sunshine, lots of stones, hurting blisters, 2 bridges and a few beeping cars later a red fiesta appeared over the horizon. It is an understatement to say we were happy to see him!!!

5 mins later we arrived in Hallaton went to the Fox in to find good old Corby Radio blasting out tunes and hot village lads surrounding us. We were loving life. After a drink and some good old nosh we went to the bottle kicking field in which we discovered why we had seen lots of ambulances, police and paramedics scanning the area.

Thought we would never make it
Village men, ripped rugby shirts, sweaty and  wrestling over a keg of beer. It was a testosterone tornado and us girlies were lovvvinggg it. Best of 3 runs in which they scrambled the keg of beer from top of the field to the bottom. Hallton won, which was convenient as they were nice enough to hold the event for us all! Emma and me sat down and spectated, she shown me her blisters they hadn't improved any so we got a lift home after the event too.

Got home and Debs said I had caught the sun. Definitely going to go there next year, and pay someone allergic to alcohol to take us :)

Good end to the long and sunny weekend!!!