Wednesday 27 April 2011

"Pens and Pigs"

Late start. Woke up 5 minutes before leaving the house, girls can get ready quick when up against the time. Did the usual run to pick up my second fam and get the best car parking space going. Strolled into school to be greeted by ducklings. Sadly they've grown up now and I can't say they are so cute, wish we could trade them for cuter ones again. Did a few laps to burn off extra calories, I ate and drank so much this weekend that my wii fit don't recognise me :( bad times...

Had a free first, me and vicky looked at clothes online, found a new site ordered a playsuit and some heels, every girl needs treated every once in a while! They should do nicely for my holiday with Hollie. After that had English and did nothing except sit and talk, three day week is so pointless. 

Bit like little Peppa my mascot
Went to a University open day today in Northampton, got so many prospectuses for Unis, which i papercut myself several times on. They gave out lots of free pens too, which always come in handy if I ever decide to actually do some work at school. we also got told about money and finance as a student, I didn't care about the student loans but everyone got a free squidgy pig which I will put in my car. All the girls got one, they are car mascots, mines called Pepper. We sat in the sun and the girls looked out for potential lads, personally I didn't rate many of them, the village boys were much nicer. 

Came home and got my bank account through the post, lets just say if the world had as much spiders as my account has money, the world would be a much happier place! Might wait until it at least gets into double figures before I go on asos again!

On a happier note went for a run, in the sun, in the fields, with some sheep. They are still getting more and more lambs, which is making it harder and harder to dodge sheep poo. In a way i feel guilty since I had lamb for easter sunday roast, it was nice though and it weren't related to any of the sheep in my field because it was from Wales. However I sensed they knew, they ran away "baaa"ing a lot and the adults were eyeing me up! Normally I go round the fields twice, but I didn't feel safe going round again so went home instead.

Gunna make a new Summer CD for my car and then go bed, chow xxxxx

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